Pastor Spence explains that God calls us to view work as a form of worship, highlighting that work was a part of the original design of creation before sin entered the world. He expounds upon this idea with Biblical evidence that work is not meant to be viewed as a necessary evil or sole source of identity, but because of sin, work often leads to frustrations, challenges, and disappointments that can detract from its intended purpose. Ultimately, Pastor Spence reassures us that through Jesus, who redeems all aspects of life, work can be redeemed and transformed into a powerful avenue for glorifying God and serving others.
If you missed previous weeks’ sermons, you can listen to them here! You can also watch videos of the sermons at
Mercy Church is located in Charlotte, NC, and is led by Pastor Spence Shelton. We would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings at one of our three campuses across the greater Charlotte area! For current service times and campus locations, please visit Looking for video content? Check out our Youtube Channel. Follow us on Instagram or check our Events page online to stay up to date with everything that’s happening at Mercy Church!